Been canning and freezing up a storm! It's that time of year, AND, I scored this amazing FREE immaculately clean and nearly new freezer off Craig's list. Oh craig's list. Anyway, It is now filling up with:
* raspberries from a place north of Adel
* tomatoes in ALL forms, from my garden and my friend's certified organic garden
* Extra stuff from my CSA - mostly carrots and squash that I didn't get eaten before the next "shipment" of goodies arrived
* green peppers from my garden
* peaches from the farm stand here in town (Yum)
* a few free-range chickens purchase thru the CSA
* free beef bones from the butcher (for my doggies)
* corn, from this summer's crop
Also, doing a bit of canning here. Did some salsa already, and I'm sure there is more in my future! Some peaches (they're really beautiful so I'll post a picture later), and last night I did a sort of pear thing - fresh pears, walnuts and a little crystallized ginger in a brown sugar syrup, and topped off with brandy. Sounds like dessert to me with a bit of ice cream, or maybe over some baked brie?
I also read about a fabulous way to do tomatoes on a soaping forum I frequent - Roasted tomatoes with garlic and herbs. Can we say, YUM? I did it last night and they're fabulous! I did one pan with red tomatoes and garlic, and a 2nd pan with all yellow tomatoes, garlic, and red peppers (pictured). Can we say, YUM?? We ate some over pasta and froze the rest. They got all soft and squidgy and smelled wonderful - I'm envisioning roasted pepper and tomato soups all winter long!