I'm pleased to report that the composting worms are doing their job beautifully! I know - this isn't the prettiest of pictures. But it shows how efficiently they are turning kitchen waste into wondeful black compost. Chow down, little worms!
We've been doing lots of biking, and starting to look pretty official. Now that we have bike shorts (oh, padding is gooooood!), biking sandals (not shown in this photo), helmets, gloves, and racks to go on the bikes...yeah. we're starting to look like everyone else on the trail!
Loving the hoops, but what are the little ones for? Is that for really skinny people? I don't think I could get those over my shoulders, let alone my hips. Geez...
That's a collapsable hoop! It is one, just folded down into 2 small circles. handy for storage and travel! It's really a regular sized one, incognito. cool, huh?
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