So, news here. I got a bunny, thanks to my awesome friend Abby! We originally thought she was a girl and named her Anya. I know NOTHING about bunnies, so, it's all a huge learning curve. It soon became clear that 1) Duncan (the doberman) was utterly obsessed with her, and 2) the cats tooooootally ignored her. Duncan followed her around for about a week, obsessively staring at her. Not in an "I want to eat you" way, just in a "what are you and can I poke you with my nose?" kind of way. Fortunately for all of us, he's past that. Anya is an angora mix, and has lovely luscious fur that I will spin! She was pretty matted, and my awesome mom took 2 hours last week to help me groom her. And by help me, I mean, I held the bunny and she did all the work. (She has mad grooming skills, and brushed/cut/shaved all the mats out of Anya). However, this week, Anya started, well...showing affection for our foster kittens in a MOST inappropriate manner. OBSESSIVELY. And now I am pretty darn sure that Anya is actually Andy, and has an appointment to get neutered next Wednesday, so s/he can go back to being a calm and peaceful member of this crazy little family. (s/he is a housebunny, working on housetraining and learning NOT to eat electrical cords).

Labels: bunny, cheese press
One thing I could suggest: dig up the episode of Dirty Jobs about cheesemaking! It includes some stuff about cheese pressing (though it's regarding more industrial size amounts of cheese, they still used the old-fashioned presses like that one you got) and stuff. It doesn't go step by step in excruciating detail, but it gives you a good gist!
oh, what a great thought! I've never seen that show but heard lots about it. I'll check it out, thanks!
cheese press is awesome !!!!! Bartering is So cool !! I love your bunny... that is funny about him being a boy :)
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